Scroll down past the Calendar to see individual descriptions…

April - Explore the endless possibilities of circular shapes in nature, architecture, or everyday life with "Circles."

Raptor Center - Big Birds
Max Attendees: 15
Donation Required: $25 per photographer
Location: Black Hills Raptor Center 15256 SD-44, Rapid City, SD 57703
Opportunities: Large birds of prey, both perched and in-flight
Format: The center will arrange to have 5 volunteer bird handlers present. We will divide into groups of 3 per handler.
Sign Up: Email Bob Caperton at bobcape@me.com Include your Name and your Cell Phone #
Additional Details: https://www.blackhillsraptorcenter.org/

Photography Critique and Tall Tale Telling
Photography Critique Meetup
Purpose: Get evaluations of your photographs from other photographers, show off, steal ideas, learn new things, be inspired, be inspiring, tell tall tales, and have fun.
Where: There is an open (as in no door) meeting room by the bar. That's where you'll find us. If you come in the front door the host station is in front of you, restaurant to your right, bar to your left. Go left.
RSVP: If you can RSVP please do so. On Facebook or you can let me know directly via email or text.
1. You can eat and drink during the event. That's the point of doing this at a location that has food and beverages.
2. Bring up to 6 photographs. Export as JPG, full-size resolution. Be sure to export all your metadata with the image because someone is going to want to know your f/stop or shutter speed or ISO. And people will want to zoom in to spot-check your sharpness. Hence the full size.
3. Bring the original image before any edits if you like. Don’t bring RAW files if you can avoid it. Export as JPGs, full size. Name the files with the same filename as the edited version then add “original” or something similar to the file name.
4. We will have a 25-minute time limit for each photographer's critique. After the first 3 or 4 critiques - depending on how fast they go - we will take a 10-minute break and then jump back into it.
5. If it's your first time attending you don't have to bring photos to show. After that, you have no excuse.
6. You can bring prints instead of or in addition to digital files.
7. Bring your images on a USB stick or SD card. I will copy them to my hard drive. I have a PC. Use a filesystem Windows can recognize.
8. If you want your photos shown in a specific order name them so they will sort in that order when sorted by name.
9. Once your photos have been critiqued we will vote on which was your best and those photos will be submitted to the newsletter for publication. You can opt out of this.

Bighorn Mountains Field Trip
All slots have been filled at this time
We are heading back to the Bighorn Mountains in Wyoming for another great BHPC Field Trip! We had an excellent trip in 2024 and we're planning to do it again. This year's dates will be June 25th - 29th. We will be staying in Burgess Junction, WY. Lodging info is below. We had a LOT of attendees for the 2024 trip. We need to limit the total number of attendees to 15 this year.
In order to maximize the experience and to reduce the impact, I am limiting the total number of attendees to 15. Members will have preference over guests. It will be First Come, First Served. Email me directly at - bobcape@me.com with the subject line of “2025 Bighorns Trip” and let me know you want to attend. Include your name and cell phone number. I’ll reply as soon as I can.
This is an excellent trip with lots of wildlife, landscape, night sky, wildflower and impromptu photo opportunities. I think we saw at least 150 moose and well over 500 elk on our 2024 trip. Plus, there are opportunities to see marmots, pikas, coyotes, foxes, birds, black bears (maybe), and more. Take note Mark Guinn - NO grizzlies or wolves! I will send out an agenda, driving directions with maps, suggestions for optional sites and other trip details once we get out list of attendees completed.
Each attendee is responsible for making their own lodging reservations. The options for lodging up on the mountain are -
Bear Lodge Resort - (307) 752-2444 - https://www.bearlodgeresort.com/ *Recommended* Hotel rooms, cabins, restaurant, bar, fishing pond, frequent moose sightings from the lodge, Nightly dinner location.
Elk View Inn - (307) 461-4168 - https://www.elkviewinn.com/
More expensive, rooms detached from main building, restaurant, bar, 10 minutes from Bear Lodge
If you’ve wanted to experience an alpine (up to 10,000 feet) photography outing with lots of wildlife opportunities, don’t miss out on this trip!

F-Stop Challenge: f/16
October - And, our final contest of the year will test your technical skill as well as creativity. Showcase sharp details, stunning depth of field, and your mastery of composition in landscapes, still life, or any subject you choose with the "F-Stop Challenge: f/16."

Photography Critique and Tall Tale Telling
Photography Critique Meetup
Purpose: Get evaluations of your photographs from other photographers, show off, steal ideas, learn new things, be inspired, be inspiring, tell tall tales, and have fun.
Where: There is an open (as in no door) meeting room by the bar. That's where you'll find us. If you come in the front door the host station is in front of you, restaurant to your right, bar to your left. Go left.
RSVP: If you can RSVP please do so. On Facebook or you can let me know directly via email or text.
1. You can eat and drink during the event. That's the point of doing this at a location that has food and beverages.
2. Bring up to 6 photographs. Export as JPG, full-size resolution. Be sure to export all your metadata with the image because someone is going to want to know your f/stop or shutter speed or ISO. And people will want to zoom in to spot-check your sharpness. Hence the full size.
3. Bring the original image before any edits if you like. Don’t bring RAW files if you can avoid it. Export as JPGs, full size. Name the files with the same filename as the edited version then add “original” or something similar to the file name.
4. We will have a 25-minute time limit for each photographer's critique. After the first 3 or 4 critiques - depending on how fast they go - we will take a 10-minute break and then jump back into it.
5. If it's your first time attending you don't have to bring photos to show. After that, you have no excuse.
6. You can bring prints instead of or in addition to digital files.
7. Bring your images on a USB stick or SD card. I will copy them to my hard drive. I have a PC. Use a filesystem Windows can recognize.
8. If you want your photos shown in a specific order name them so they will sort in that order when sorted by name.
9. Once your photos have been critiqued we will vote on which was your best and those photos will be submitted to the newsletter for publication. You can opt out of this.

Portrait workshop - Studio/Hands on instruction
Register with Bob to get signed up
Shoot Sessions include -
*Single Model Shoot
*Couple Shoot
*Family Shoot
*Fantasy/Fashion Shoot

Portrait workshop - Classroom instruction
Register with Bob to get signed up
Topics include -
*Camera equipment
*Lighting equipment & technique
*Model prep and communication photography-specific (no hair/makeup/costumes)
*Scene/set/location selection

Photography Critique and Tall Tale Telling
Photography Critique Meetup
Purpose: Get evaluations of your photographs from other photographers, show off, steal ideas, learn new things, be inspired, be inspiring, tell tall tales, and have fun.
Where: There is an open (as in no door) meeting room by the bar. That's where you'll find us. If you come in the front door the host station is in front of you, restaurant to your right, bar to your left. Go left.
RSVP: If you can RSVP please do so. On Facebook or you can let me know directly via email or text.
1. You can eat and drink during the event. That's the point of doing this at a location that has food and beverages.
2. Bring up to 6 photographs. Export as JPG, full-size resolution. Be sure to export all your metadata with the image because someone is going to want to know your f/stop or shutter speed or ISO. And people will want to zoom in to spot-check your sharpness. Hence the full size.
3. Bring the original image before any edits if you like. Don’t bring RAW files if you can avoid it. Export as JPGs, full size. Name the files with the same filename as the edited version then add “original” or something similar to the file name.
4. We will have a 25-minute time limit for each photographer's critique. After the first 3 or 4 critiques - depending on how fast they go - we will take a 10-minute break and then jump back into it.
5. If it's your first time attending you don't have to bring photos to show. After that, you have no excuse.
6. You can bring prints instead of or in addition to digital files.
7. Bring your images on a USB stick or SD card. I will copy them to my hard drive. I have a PC. Use a filesystem Windows can recognize.
8. If you want your photos shown in a specific order name them so they will sort in that order when sorted by name.
9. Once your photos have been critiqued we will vote on which was your best and those photos will be submitted to the newsletter for publication. You can opt out of this.

Winter Wonderland
February - "Winter Wonderland" will celebrate the magic of the season by capturing the serene beauty of snowy landscapes, frosty mornings, and icy details. Think warm and cozy thoughts that remind you of winter. You can add a touch of holiday cheer with scenes of festive decorations, twinkling lights, or cozy traditions.

Photography Critique and Tall Tale Telling
Photography Critique Meetup
Purpose: Get evaluations of your photographs from other photographers, show off, steal ideas, learn new things, be inspired, be inspiring, tell tall tales, and have fun.
Where: There is an open (as in no door) meeting room by the bar. That's where you'll find us. If you come in the front door the host station is in front of you, restaurant to your right, bar to your left. Go left.
RSVP: If you can RSVP please do so. On Facebook or you can let me know directly via email or text.
1. You can eat and drink during the event. That's the point of doing this at a location that has food and beverages.
2. Bring up to 6 photographs. Export as JPG, full-size resolution. Be sure to export all your metadata with the image because someone is going to want to know your f/stop or shutter speed or ISO. And people will want to zoom in to spot-check your sharpness. Hence the full size.
3. Bring the original image before any edits if you like. Don’t bring RAW files if you can avoid it. Export as JPGs, full size. Name the files with the same filename as the edited version then add “original” or something similar to the file name.
4. We will have a 25-minute time limit for each photographer's critique. After the first 3 or 4 critiques - depending on how fast they go - we will take a 10-minute break and then jump back into it.
5. If it's your first time attending you don't have to bring photos to show. After that, you have no excuse.
6. You can bring prints instead of or in addition to digital files.
7. Bring your images on a USB stick or SD card. I will copy them to my hard drive. I have a PC. Use a filesystem Windows can recognize.
8. If you want your photos shown in a specific order name them so they will sort in that order when sorted by name.
9. Once your photos have been critiqued we will vote on which was your best and those photos will be submitted to the newsletter for publication. You can opt out of this.

Annual Holiday Party and Slide Show
Members: Submit up to 24 photos for the slideshow — any photos from the past are acceptable, but photos from this year are encouraged!
Email photos to: rebeccaedewitt@gmail.com
Our club wraps up the year with our annual Year End Slideshow — club members can submit photos to the above email address, up to 24 photos of their favorites that they would like to include. It all culminates in a slideshow to celebrate the art and practice of photography — no competition, no judging, just pure enjoyment of sharing what we’ve captured!
Join us for food, fun, and amazing photos!
*Bring Your Own Drink

Board Meeting (Invite Only)
Monthly board meeting for board members and chairs.
Invite Only — Hosted on Zoom.

Board Meeting (Invite Only)
Monthly board meeting for board members and chairs.
Invite Only — Hosted on Zoom.

Wednesday Photo Critiques
Arrive as early as 6:00pm to socialize and hand in your photos. We get started at 6:30PM

Oct Meeting: Club Competition - Old and Forgotten in Black and White or Sepia
Must be a Club Member to enter Club Competitions!
Check your attic for an old suitcase with treasures from days gone by. Look for faces that show the emotion of being forgotten. Or capture that derelict house (stay safe now) or abandoned old vehicle. Take us back to times that tell a story of a past we have forgotten about. Strive for emotion in your photographs.
How to submit your photography:
-Please use the Month + Club Competition as the subject for your email
-Everyone can submit 2 photos.
-Please submit images at 300 DPI. 1920 pixels on the longest edge
-Please give your images names.
-Include names in the jpeg name.
-Send images as attachments (not in the body of the email)
-Please list your name, titles of each image, and which competition level you are competing in:
Novice- little to no experience
Amateur- some photography experience
Advanced Amateur -A significant amount of experience but not making a living at photography (or having won too many competitions and been bumped up)
Experienced/PRO- Making a living selling your photography or having had a significant amount of experience (many years – or won too many competitions).
-Please email submissions by 9:00PM Friday night the weekend before each contest to

Wednesday Photo Critiques
Arrive as early as 6:00pm to socialize and hand in your photos. We get started at 6:30PM

September Meeting - Guest Speaker
Check back later for our info for Septembers’s guest speaker!

Wednesday Photo Critiques
Arrive as early as 6:00pm to socialize and hand in your photos. We get started at 6:30PM

Aug Meeting: Club Competition - Close up and Extremely Close Up
Must be a Club Member to enter Club Competitions!
Sometime thinking we don’t have the “right” camera, lens, or other equipment makes us believe we can’t take good photos. Any camera with a lens (including your phone camera) will be just find to get started in this category. Use natural light, if at all possible. You may even amaze yourself. For experienced photographers, show us your best work. Some potential subjects are flowers, faces, soap suds, insects, textiles, ornaments, woodgrain, stacks of paper, or a tiny still life. The options are boundless.
How to submit your photography:
-Please use the Month + Club Competition as the subject for your email
-Everyone can submit 2 photos.
-Please submit images at 300 DPI. 1920 pixels on the longest edge
-Please give your images names.
-Include names in the jpeg name.
-Send images as attachments (not in the body of the email)
-Please list your name, titles of each image, and which competition level you are competing in:
Novice- little to no experience
Amateur- some photography experience
Advanced Amateur -A significant amount of experience but not making a living at photography (or having won too many competitions and been bumped up)
Experienced/PRO- Making a living selling your photography or having had a significant amount of experience (many years – or won too many competitions).
-Please email submissions by 9:00PM Friday night the weekend before each contest to

Wednesday Photo Critiques
Arrive as early as 6:00pm to socialize and hand in your photos. We get started at 6:30PM

June Meeting: Club Competition - Lines, Patterns, and Shapes
Must be a Club Member to enter Club Competitions!
We get caught up in the literals. This month we are encouraging you to “see” as if it were the first time. The subject may be the same but how we see it is different. Experiment with different angles, tilt, and turn your camera. Stretch your imagination. Examples: skylines, geometric designs and architecture. Cracks int he sidewalk, rungs on your kitchen chairs, items in your toolbox. Keep in mind patterns, lines, and shapes.
How to submit your photography:
-Please use the Month + Club Competition as the subject for your email
-Everyone can submit 2 photos.
-Please submit images at 300 DPI. 1920 pixels on the longest edge
-Please give your images names.
-Include names in the jpeg name.
-Send images as attachments (not in the body of the email)
-Please list your name, titles of each image, and which competition level you are competing in:
Novice- little to no experience
Amateur- some photography experience
Advanced Amateur -A significant amount of experience but not making a living at photography (or having won too many competitions and been bumped up)
Experienced/PRO- Making a living selling your photography or having had a significant amount of experience (many years – or won too many competitions).
-Please email submissions by 9:00PM Friday night the weekend before each contest to

Board Meeting (Invite Only)
Monthly board meeting for board members and chairs.
Invite Only — Hosted on Zoom.

Board Meeting (Invite Only)
Monthly board meeting for board members and chairs.
Invite Only — Hosted on Zoom.

Apr Meeting: Club Competition - One Word and the Picture Says It All
Must be a Club Member to enter Club Competitions!
We are looking for images that perfectly illustrate 1 word. For example:
1) A mother looking lovingly into a baby’s eyes – the 1 word = LOVE
2) A car speeding past – the 1 word = FAST
3) A run-down house – the 1 word = FORGOTTEN
4) Two old men playing chess- the 1 word = FRIENDS
We will try to give you even more examples or answer any questions that you have about this competition - it is intended to be very open. Be creative BUT the picture MUST exemplify your chosen 1 word. ( Yes, you chose the word). Also the title of your image must be that 1 word only when you submit.
How to submit your photography:
-Please use the Month + Club Competition as the subject for your email
-Everyone can submit 2 photos.
-Please submit images at 300 DPI. 1920 pixels on the longest edge
-Please give your images names.
-Include names in the jpeg name.
-Send images as attachments (not in the body of the email)
-Please list your name, titles of each image, and which competition level you are competing in:
Novice- little to no experience
Amateur- some photography experience
Advanced Amateur -A significant amount of experience but not making a living at photography (or having won too many competitions and been bumped up)
Experienced/PRO- Making a living selling your photography or having had a significant amount of experience (many years – or won too many competitions).
-Please email submissions by 9:00PM Friday night the weekend before each contest to

Board Meeting (Invite Only)
Monthly board meeting for board members and chairs.
Invite Only — Hosted on Zoom.

March Meeting - Bob Caperton
Bob Caperton will be our guest speaker, sharing on the process of Focus Stacking.
Focus stacking is a combination of Field and Post-processing steps, with the intention of producing a finished image that is tack sharp from several inches in front of the camera to infinity. This normally wouldn’t be possible with a single exposure even with a very small aperture of F22 or even smaller.

Board Meeting (Invite Only)
Monthly board meeting for board members and chairs.
Invite Only — Hosted on Zoom.

Feb Meeting: Club Competition - The Eyes Have It
This month we are looking for images of eyes- human eyes, animal eyes, even a needle’s eye. Looking for eyes that demand our attention and compel us to feel something (that will be tough with the needle’s eye). The image can include more of the face, but EYE/EYES need to be the focus of the image.
How to submit your photography:
-Please use the Month + Club Competition as the subject for your email
-Everyone can submit 2 photos.
-Please submit images at 300 DPI. 1920 pixels on the longest edge
-Please give your images names.
-Include names in the jpeg name.
-Send images as attachments (not in the body of the email)
-Please list your name, titles of each image, and which competition level you are competing in:
Novice- little to no experience
Amateur- some photography experience
Advanced Amateur -A significant amount of experience but not making a living at photography (or having won too many competitions and been bumped up)
Experienced/PRO- Making a living selling your photography or having had a significant amount of experience (many years – or won too many competitions).
-Please email submissions by 9:00PM Friday night the weekend before each contest to

Board Meeting (Invite Only)
Monthly board meeting for board members and chairs.
Invite Only — Hosted on Zoom.

Annual Holiday Party and Slide Show
Members: Submit up to 24 photos for the slideshow — any photos from the past are acceptable, but photos from this year are encouraged!
Email photos to: rebeccaedewitt@gmail.com
Our club wraps up the year with our annual Year End Slideshow — club members can submit photos to the above email address, up to 24 photos of their favorites that they would like to include. It all culminates in a slideshow to celebrate the art and practice of photography — no competition, no judging, just pure enjoyment of sharing what we’ve captured!
Join us for food, fun, and amazing photos!
*Bring Your Own Drink

Board Meeting (Invite Only)
Monthly board meeting for board members and chairs.
Invite Only — Hosted on Zoom.